Highlights From Our 35th Class Reunion Meet & Greet!
Pat Poteat & Spouse with Shirl |
Pat Green and Allen |
Nesi, Stephanie, Lefty & Shirl |
Peaches, Robin & Marie |
Shirl, April, Steph & June |
Linda & Spouse |
Elaine with Tyrone Phipps |
Evelyn Vanderhurst, Gary & Renee |
Ellsworth & Stephanie |
Donny & Ricky |
Crystal with Gregory Woods |
April Carson & Spouse |
Carlester, Sylvetta & Nesi |
Jeff and Friends |
Lavonne & Denise |
Keith & Trudy Mills |
Rick & Lefty |
Robin & Gracie |
Rick Cason |
April & Stephanie |
Paul, Harlen & Boyd |
(Large Picture Above: Allen, Mike Garrett, and Ellsworth)